About Us
We are a group of highly certified Optometrists in Hampshire and West Sussex who are also your local Optometrists. Martin Steels Ltd takes pleasure in providing ophthalmic care that is personalised to your specific needs from the beginning. We've been providing continual support to our patients since 1983, and they trust and cherish our professionalism in caring for one of the most vital senses, sight. We treat our patients in the same way that we would want to be treated.
Qualified Optometrists
Meet the Team
Keri Davies BSc (Hons) MCOptom DipTp(IP) DipClinOptom Prof Cert Glauc
Jodi Barter BSc (Hons) MCOptom
Unnati Patel Bsc (Hons) MCOptom
Dispensing Opticians
Amanda Tidman FBDO
Bridget Smith FBDO
Kate Walbank FBDO
Helen Corfe FBDO
Ophthalmic Assistants
Leanna Jackson
Janine Sparkes
Anne Roberts
Sarah Lemonius
Marilyn Green
More Than Just
a Team
Optometry, eyewear dispensing, contact lens fitting and aftercare, and medical eye care are among the services we provide. Our skilled optometrists specialise in eye care, including special medical contact lenses and medical eye care, which includes prescribing drugs to address medical eye issues. We are unique in that we provide comprehensive eyecare to all of our patients.